Saturday, August 27, 2011


SO GOOd 4 ME!!!hehehheheheh..and u too...
papehal pun  ak 'AGREE' la dgn kptsan ko~
but,,,10/04/2011,,never forget!!!tp xpela nk bwt cmne,,,
kte hnye mrncng,,Allah yg mnentukn~
Ifwah and my others membe ask 'me' AZIELA why u not cry??
hrmmmm,,,i tell to everyone i'm just cry coz my mum je~
dyeowng tros zip,,mlut msing-msing when i told that~
BUT,,,,tndakn ko tuh  bwt ak dmam la~xtaw;a npe
SAYANG ko kot>>><3
tp tq la caring my hal,,,,my habit mmg cmni,,
ssh nk control,,,xnk dgr ckp owng je!!!
ko je blh control ak kot>>bru terurus hdp ak ni,,hehehe:)
tq la jgk pjuk ak mkn ubt tp mkn ubt pun skrg dmam xbek lg~
tp xpela,,ko kn ckp 'ak kne kuat'
weyh,,sory la,,ak xtaw blh bwt ke x ap yg ko sruh
mybe kn ak da xde kot mse tuh lpas tuh
tp xpe,,ak try sdye upye..papehal pun
ak syg ko la glerr!!!!!heheheeheh,,sory~
tq jd ganti mama ak,,pneman ak semase slalu sdyh!!!!

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